Food for Families
Donate a bag of corn or beans to help support an Indian family.  A 100 lb. bag of corn is $15 and a 50 lb. bag of beans is $25.

Hospital Support
Sponsorship for a hospitalized child
Help support the operation of the hospital by donating one day of care for a hospitalized Indian child. $40.00 for one day.

Water well drilling project
Prevention is often as simple as clean water, but it is expensive. In 2015, we launched our “Water 4 Life” program aimed at testing and remediating existing wells and drilling future water wells and water capture systems. This is an ongoing initiative under the management of Mission Director Fr. Miguel and will be conducted on a needs basis in conjunction with other Mission projects.
Well construction and equipment now costs an average of $4,500.00 for a 150 foot deep well which equals approximately $30.00 per foot of depth. Donations in support of the Water 4 Life project will be held in separate account to be used solely for this purpose. If you would like to support this program you can donate in two ways:
(A) $30.00 per foot (on a needs basis as determined by Fr. Miguel)
(B) $4,500.00 for a complete well (on a needs basis as determined by Fr. Miguel)
Note: for custom donation amount, use "Custom Support"

Gift Donation Cards
Make a donation in the name of a friend or loved one! The cards are all identical, except for the first phrase, as listed. The cards will be sent directly to you so you can fill them out and mail them yourself. If you would like us to send them directly to the recipient, just fill out the "ship to" information in the checkout page. If you have multiple cards and recipients, contact Peggy at TCHFOregon@gmail.com to arrange handling.